Quiet quitters affect all of us.
Customers. Colleagues. Inside and outside of work.
You, personally, may be actively disengaged from your job. You know it's not right but you just don't have the motivation to do more than the bare minimum to get you through the day.
Or you may be responsible for a team, or business, where quiet quitters are on the rise. They're people who you need to engage with their job, your customers and their colleagues.
Don't know what to do about it? You've come to the right place with Exkavate.
What is 'quiet quitting'?
Inspire your people to deliver more than the job description
We help you address engagement issues with proven, effective, approaches that:
allow colleagues to safely share what's really going on - particularly in new(ish), hybrid working environments
reskill and upskill managers to reduce disengagement and burnout
improve individual and team performance
increase customer value
ensure consistent messaging of your purpose and meaning through internal and external communication and connection
The evidence
Potentially at least half the workforce are 'quiet quitting'. They can't connect how they're earning a living to any meaningful purpose or vision, which means they're going through the motions, feeling lost, despondent and OVER it. And there's a high chance this is you.
Quiet quitters have lost the confidence to know what they want. They're not motivated enough to look for something else. They are stuck, miserable, perhaps resentful and worst of all it's managers who are feeling it the most. Slowly but surely, this disengagement is seeping out across teams and businesses. Customers are getting less than ok service. Revenue is suffering.
At least with 'loud quitters' you know where you stand - they've got the energy to let you know what they're unhappy about. But with quiet quitters you've got a real problem.

The 3-step answer to quiet quitting
Assess what's actually happening
Exkavate can tell you what's really going on with your people. We help them say what needs to be heard in a safe, constructive way.
We provide facilitated activities for underlying issues to be raised safely and productively. Online or in person.
Then we co-design creative and workable solutions to
beat quiet quitting.
Start with a free survey to check your employee engagement levels and indicators for the direction you're heading, with no-obligation tips for what you need to do to spot and deal with danger signs.
Management & leadership development
One of the biggest problems for businesses today is dealing with the huge drop in engagement for managers.
They're at huge risk of burnout.
They need connection with meaning and purpose.
They're desperate for opportunities to learn and grow.
They want to feel cared about.
They need development and coaching programmes that address what really matters to the people responsible for creating great places to work.
Honest, meaningful messaging
Customer value can't happen without accurate, timely, open employee communication and understanding.
Employees are desperate for clarity - most especially in remote and hybrid working situations.. Managers and leaders need to know how to have meaningful conversations to improve individual performance and team collaboration.
They need the tools and tips for consistent, clear, authentic and credible communications and ways of working so employees can be confident that their work contributes to a larger purpose.
Get in touch for more answers
Exkavate helps you get to the hidden gems that lie beneath the surface of employee behaviour. Let us help you reconnect the people you rely on to do great work with what matters most.